In the first three chapters of this part, based on the actual situation in our country, delivered from the lien procedures, places, people and legal responsibility to sign a number of recommendations for the future provision of the civil point of modest changes. 本部分内容在前三章的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,从留置送达的主体、场所、签收人及法律责任等方面提出了一些建议。
The realization of maritime lien needs two conditions, at first, maritime lien is exist and valid. 船舶优先权的实现需要具备以下条件:1、船舶优先权存在并有效;2、必须经过海事法院扣押当事船舶。
At first introduced the establishment pattern of lien based on its foundation. 首先介绍了留置权的成立方式。
First, as the foundation of later study, we have a brief overview of lien in Anglo-American legal system and some note related to Anglo-American law as well as the misunderstanding which people in Civil Law system often fall into when they understand the Anglo-American law. 首先对英美法lien制度作简要概述,并对英美法的相关制度以及大陆法人在理解英美法时容易陷入的误区加以说明,为后面的论述打下基础。